Masters degree candidate, CPAS, Australian National University
Matt is the Director of Communications at Victoria’s Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, where, among other things, he advises Victoria’s Lead Scientist. He has also worked as a professional communicator for 18 years, including media and communication roles for the Premier of Victoria, the National Transport Commission, and the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia. He also helped to organise the March for Science (Melbourne) in 2017 and 2018. He has a masters degree in communication from Deakin University and has recently completed his thesis for his masters degree in science communication from ANU.
His research, entitled “I’ll see it when I believe it: motivated numeracy in Australians’ perceptions of climate change risk” explores the role of identity in the interpretation of scientific data.
Evidence-based scicom: Research exploring knowledge, beliefs and perceptions
Research paper: I’ll see it when I believe it: motivated numeracy in Australians’ perceptions of climate change risk (Presenter)